Proud Home of the Arrowhead Horse Trials Since 2001
Arrowhead Horse Trials 2024
We're excited to be hosting the 23rd annual Arrowhead Horse Trials on July 6th &7th, 2024.
Last year will be a tough one to top! It's always great to see everyone pursuing their goals and having a great time. We are excited to be adding to the fun this year with some new vendors, additional food options, stadium course updates, xc course updates, facility updates, and more! Please find additional entry information on the USEA Website.

Sponsors & Vendors 2024

Bonnie Dedmore- Agent

AHT 2024 Fundraiser Clinic
ENTRIES HAVE CLOSED! Can't wait to see everyone!
We're excited to welcome a fabulous group of instructors for this year's fundraiser clinic June 22nd & 23rd!
Our amazing course designer, and 3* level eventer, Allesandra Allen-Shinn will be teaching XC lessons and sharing the in's and out's of our beautiful course.
And Julie Stephens, of Leading Edge Equestrian, brings over 40 years of teaching experience, and will be offering stadium jumping lessons.
We will be hosting a dinner on Saturday evening for clinic participants! (Additional dinner tickets will be available for purchase for family members on site) Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates!

"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just thought we were having fun." - Anonymous
Congratulations to our 2023 Winners!
Prelim: Sabrina Manning (The River)
Training: Bailie Corless (Casualleigh)
Open Novice: Kate Lucas (Kestrel)
Beginner Novice: C'Dale Jore (A Romeo)
Looking ahead...
One of our big goals over the next couple of years is to be able to renovate our water complex and add shelters from the elements for competitors and observers.
Following the success of last year's event we were able to cross some items off of our wish list, including...
- Stadium course updates
- Arena footing improvements
-Road/Access improvement
- Equipment improvements
- XC improvements